Monday, 26 September 2011

Should I be worried ?

Today MT came out of the bedroom wearing a black vest top with the followIing emblazoned across the front in purple lettering -


So, should I be worried ? Normally I do not pay much attention to the slogans on MT's clothing I have not exactly been an exemplary slave recently it could be a 'not so subtle' message of impending doom for one pesky slave.When I asked her she just had this smirky/amused/cunning look on her face.

I am not sure where said vest top came from, but it sort of just 'appeared'. I feel certain that it was not an unplanned purchase thus it's appearance seems more ominous.

If able to, I shall keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. See, THIS is where the slave union would come in handy :)
