Friday, 12 August 2011

My buns

The gym is hard work these days, but there does seem to be progress. I have also been allowed to purchase a Gymball for home use. I quite like gymballs, they allow me to tone my stomack without the usual associated back pains I often get by other exercises. MT seems pleased with my progress, so that is good.

Dieting is so bloody boring, yes I love the meat I am allowed to eat but the lack of potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, milk, chocolate and cake in my diet is driving me nuts. I would love a big bar of chocolate, I am craving for chocolate so much atm it is getting unbearable. Maybe I shall have to do some grovelling to MT and ask for a chocolate bar in the next few days.

I had a belgian bun with fresh cream on Monday, it was such a treat, but it did not last long enough, I wish I had one now. Having just completed seven hours gardening I must have used up enough calories to allow the scoffing of half a dozen buns....OK, perhaps not, but one would not hurt, would it ?

By the way, MT re-carved my right cheek last night. For some unexplainable reason it hurt much more than usual, I really struggled with it.....and yes ....I howled.

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