On FL some people claim our group is elitist. I think this is because the group is there for the discussion of a very specific dynamic ie Owner/ property relationships which are co-resident. Where the issues often occur is that some people dislike the group definitions, there are some aspects which people just do not like. The most common areas are the fact it is there to discuss co-resident relationships and not focus power exchanges that are not full time, co-resident and continuous. Another element is that there are no limits, other than which an owner may or may not impose. Additionally, the aspect of many slaves being unable to leave the relationship.
The co-resident 'issue' is the one which I think people who are not co-resident sometimes find the most difficult to understand. It is indeed perhaps one which I might have had difficulties comprehending prior to ever being involved in a 24/7 co-resident O/p relationship.This frustration may be exacerbated in people if this is the only element of the group definitions they do not meet. Though the many non co-resident contributors to the group who are such intelligent thoughtful posters often show great insight and are really valuable members of the group. And let us not forget that non co residence has many shades and variables....
Whilst there are more similarities than there are differences between partial and complete power exchanges the main difference I perceive as being paramount is the fact that there is never any time out for either party. The power exchange exists at all times without interruption, the property is continuously subject to the requirements of their owner and this is often in a way that is slightly different than when you have the pressure valve of a break of some sort.
The pressure for the owner or the property is therefore ever present. There are no 'free times' no break, no holiday, no rest. For this reason, such relationships can face specific problems that other power exchanges may never experience, because that specific pressure is not always there.
Being controlled for an hour or two is very different from being controlled for a day or two. Being controlled for a week is very different to a month etc etc. But if there is an end in sight I can often survive something I do not want or like it by saying to myself, 'well it is only for (insert finite time period). I can often put up with those things because they are not permanent . But when there is no end, it is a different matter altogether.
The initial excitement of a 24/7 PE may last for varying degrees of time for people. I believe though, everyone at some stage will realise it is not as easy as they first thought it might be. Anyone who is in a long standing O/p relationship will probably understand this only too well.
You can't just opt out whenever you want, you cant pick and choose, it is not even ' all or nothing' it is always whatever your owner wants regardless if this is what you want or not there is never an end, both parties know this.
So in my opinion, it is different, not better, not elitist...just not quite the same :)
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