Friday, 25 March 2011

Light Duties

MT let me go back to work today, she was very reluctant but knew I would stress a lot if the backlog gets too much. I had to promise to take it easier than I usually do, which I did. I cancelled one job which meant I only had to do 6 hours which was better.

I am officially on 'slave light duties' there are many must do's and many must not do's. I am not sure of all the rules yet but I am sure I will be left in no doubt when I forget.

It seems, so far, that light duties mean the nerve endings will not be screaming out, so that sound good, but I am disappointed for MT she does like to hear her property scream. I am sure she will make up for it when I am better.

MT has been spoiling me, so I am enjoying my sickness as far as one can of course. The concept of reducing my stress levels is a very sound one and MT has gone out of her way to reduce potential threats to this end. BUT...........without meaning to she gave me a massive stress reaction. I returned from work to find the bedroom door locked, as it can only be locked from the inside I knew MT was in there. I knocked on the door, nothing, I knocked and then called out, nothing. I continued this , adding volume to both the knocking and the calling until I raised the effort up to almost door busting knocks. Just before I was about to kick the door open MT responded.....she had been lying in bed with her headphones on. I really thought that she must have been unconscious or worse to have not heard my earlier attempts. So my heart was racing like a lunatics and must have done my high blood pressure no end of good.

MT, a sadist through and through.

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