Sunday, 6 March 2011

Return to duty

Thankfully a less busy day. This morning I was re-acquainted with my dear old friend ' the strap-on' .I had forgotten just how humiliating it is, how painful and uncomfortable and also how much it reminds me I am owned. MT is still unwell but managed a stirring performance, unfortunately. It seems her 'urges' are slowly returning, Oh Dear.

We have a friend staying with us for a few days, unfortunately him and his boyfriend have just split up and he is having a bit of a break for a few days.

I find it really hard after a break from being actively used, but it seems ' the return to normal service' is imminent. Whenever this happens, historically I have a certain amount of reactance. I dislike this, because I really do try to be a good slave, but sometimes I just can't help it, try as I might. My defence always goes along the lines of something like ' well you can't just expect everything to go back to how it was before just like that ' . Of course she does just expect that and it is my job to comply, so I will try my best.

From this morning's discussions, it would appear MT is going to taunt me with some new things. I have to say, I am not looking forward to this new direction and 'NO' I do not want to discuss it, thank you ! But MT did say when the time comes she will instruct me to blog about it, so I guess you will find out anyway. Meanwhile I am hoping it was ' wank ' talk and will stay firmly on the pillow and not become another harsh reality.

1 comment:

  1. It's not a new direction, I did this to you consistently when we first moved in together, in honour of your new 'wifely' status :D

    Though if you have forgotten a reminder is obviously needed....
