Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Physically speaking

Our O/p relationship is a very physical one. At the moment sex is probably our main physical player, sometimes my role is to physically supply a sexual 'service' and other times and other times for me to be purely 'utilised' for MT's pleasure. S&M can also feature high on the agenda at times, either on it's own or integrally with the sexual use.

As MT is a sadist, sadism often leads to sex, and the more sadistic she is usually the higher her sexual drive. This can be a difficult time for me and if I had been allowed limits they would have been passed on numerous occasions.

Aspects like this are in my opinion are some of the big differences between O/p and other dynamics. When there are no limits you just have to take whatever comes along for as long as you are required to. Yes of course you can beg, you can scream and kick, just about anything as an outlet (unless ordered not to) but it will only end when your Owner decides it will.

This inability to bring a cessation to things is deeply fundamental to our O/p relationship. I would not feel like property if I was permitted limits or safe words or indeed if I had an Owner who did not make me do things I do not want to do.MT having the options and using them to change/ develop/ mutate/ reprogramme me at her will are so integral to our relationship I just could not imagine them not being a feature of our relationship.

As discussed many times before, humiliation in all it's forms also often features in our lives. The physical things I have to do sometimes mortify me and this then converts into the psychological humiliation which just about sends me to the edge and then some.

My physical use to provide other services is also part of everyday life. Making drinks, meals, cleaning, working. decorating, repairs, driving, personal care etc are just a more or less interesting elements of my life yet they are also important parts of our O/p.

So 'physical use' plays a huge part, but there are so many other facets, but physicality just seems to be more noticeable, probably because it often hurts.

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