Sunday, 23 January 2011

Back from Brighton

Just got back from Brighton. Had a great time with MT as usual. MT did very well especially as she was not feeling her best.Although it was cold, it was dry and bright which was good.

We are both tired from the weekend and from the drive, so it will be early to bed tonight, to sleep for a change.

It was a busy weekend, shopping, sex, drinking, sex, eating, some sex and then some more drinking and eating.

There were no 'extra' people involved, which was nice, just MT and I having some quality time together. MT looked great in her new skirt and her new dress and of course her new undies.

I did get some takeaway chicken, but I behaved, there were no chicken bone throwing incidents, see I can behave.

Unpacking, food and an early night are beckoning, so for a change it is a short blog, thank god I hear you say.

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