Thursday, 27 January 2011


Fifty five years old today, OMG I am fucking ancient. I am now one of those old gits I used to take the piss out of when I was a youngster, Aaarrg,. I am a wrinkly.

MT got me a really nice card, it has two little pigs on. To the untrained eye, this may seem cute, but it has a much more sinister meaning and is a little reminder of my status and a particular little taunt MT likes to use. She just doesn't miss a trick Respect.

Along with some other nice prezzies, MT also got me a really great jacket, perhaps no coincidence it is a 'Dissident' one - how apt. Much to MT's disgust, I had arranged work today and had quite a busy day. But tonight this spoilt little slave is having a nice meal cooked by MT and there shall be wine (red wine which is all for me)..

I do believe however, that there will be no chicken bones available, as I am having duck. I wonder if duck bones are as good as chicken bones to throw at owners?

As a point of fact, MT did only ban me from ever throwing chicken bones at her, there was no mention of duck bones, I  wonder if I should chance it ? I love being a pedant, I do it so well. Lucky for her I am not eating beef, cow bones would be awesome to throw. Ok, end of 'bratting', well its been a few days now since I was last dealt with. It's MT's fault, she has conditioned me to accept my place.

MT is not very well today (hence it is easier to brat), but on a serious note, I hate seeing her like this. She tries so hard to pretend she is ok when she very clearly she isn't. She is making a big effort today as it is my birthday which is really sweet. But if I could have one wish granted it would be that she could be well.

Question to ponder; Now that I am Very Old, can I make those posts on internet groups where males (particularly dominant ones) say 'I am older and I am very, very wise and this......(insert personal opinion on any subject)  is THE TRUTH!'?  I must run that past MT. I can think of one such place where that might be fun. Oh but I am forgetting myself...I am but a mere slave, and a male slave at that. What do I know?

One of my customers was rushed into hospital last night with his third bout of pneumonia, he also has severe emphysema. According to his daughter, he is unlikely to make a recovery. Just four months ago he was seemingly ok, watching people decline like this and then expire is so sad. During my Fire Service career I saw so many people depart this life and others who incurred such terrible injuries that it meant their lives, and those around them, would be changed forever. Sometimes, being surrounded by so much death and misery really depresses me. Sometimes I feel quite sad that I witnessed some of the things I have seen, sometimes I wish I could have those memories erased, just like in the film 'Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind'. But then, when I really think about it, these things have all helped to shape me to become the person I now am.


  1. Happy Bitrthday, N. I hope it's a wonderful one for you. I'll raise a glass of red wine for you this evening.

  2. From one whose 55 is rapidly waning and can see the 56 coming at her like an oncoming train, wrinkles and rightness included... I fucking refuse to accept that I am old damn it. And if I am not, neither are you.

    But happy birthday. And I will use any excuse to lift a glass of red.

  3. @xantu, thank you very much, cheers.
