Sunday, 16 January 2011

The Show Must Go On.

I have not enjoyed today very much, I'm still not feeling well and MT is feeling poorly, her joints are really hurting, I hate seeing her in pain.

I do not get three days off in a row very often and it is more than just a little annoying that neither of us are feeling very well. But of course, early this morning MT woke me up to provide my bedroom services . It really was a case of give and take this morning, as usual, there was more of me taking than giving.

I was then allowed to go back to sleep, hurrah, see MT is kind and considerate. At about 12-00 MT woke me up and told me it was time to make her breakfast, life back to normal then. So I got up and made her poached eggs and veggie sausages, MT does like her sausage.

We had planned to go to the beach today but due to feeling crap we stayed indoors. MT is making me watch Moulin Rouge this afternoon, as apparently it is 'comforting' and 'Sunday-ish'. It's just so camp, if only I could watch a good old fashioned action/adventure film. Moulin Rouge I ask you! (invisible slave ink - actually I like it now. I've been brainwashed).

Next weekend we are going to Brighton for the weekend, we both really like it there. It is so much livelier and more inclusive than where we live. MT is taking me there for my birthday present which is really nice. We can do the romantic things and have some us time. Whenever we go away though our life carries on as normal and so I am expecting the usual amount of use as I usually get, sometimes I actually get more.

It will also be nice to have a couple of nights out in a lively place in more liberal surroundings. MT will be able to perv over the pretty girls and boys, if allowed I might perv over the girls... and of course my beautiful owner. Creep creep.

1 comment:

  1. Moulin Rouge is absolutely comforting and Sundayish. It also has the bonus of Ewan McGregor's singing voice, which I would probably have sex with if I could find a way.

    I hope you're both back to speed tomorrow!
